Fruit identification general knowledge 13 question answer

Fruit identification

1. Q. What is the national fruit of India?

 A. Mango is the national fruit of India. 
2. Q. Where does the fruit come from?

 A. Fruits come from flowers.

3.  Q. Which tree bears the longest fruit?  

A. Pear bears fruit for the longest time.

4. Q. Who is the king of fruits?

 A. Mango is the king of fruits.

5.  Q. How many types of fruits and what are they?

 A. There are two types of fruits.  Namely - juicy fruit and dull fruit.

6.  Q. What is juicy fruit called?

 A. Fruits that contain juice are called juicy fruits.

7.  Q. Write the names of three juicy fruits. 

  A. Mango, jackfruit, pineapple etc.

8.  Q. What is dull fruit called?

 A. A fruit that has no juice is called a dull fruit.

9.  Q. Name three dull fruits.

 A. Nuts, betel nuts, coconut etc.  

10. Q. What fruits are there in summer?

 A. Mango, jam, jackfruit and litchi.

11.  Q. Name five sour fruits.

 A. Cool, karamcha, amra, olive, tamarind etc.
12. Q. Which fruit is green on top but red inside?

 A. Watermelon.

13.  Q. Which fruits can be eaten both raw and ripe?

 A. Mango and papaya

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