Chess question answer- rules in English

Chess question answer- rules in English

 • What are the rules and instruments of chess?

 The game of chess is played between two players.  The game consists of 32 pieces and 64 squares (BOARD). There are two colored pieces in this game, white and black. Two players play with the white and black pieces. The picture on the side shows a picture of a chess board.  , a table of values ​​and symbols used in writing is given in the textbook.

 • What is a file (FILE)?  Rank (RANK), what? 

  We can divide the chess board into eight vertical lines.  Similarly, the board can be divided into eight flat lines.  Each of the vertical lines has eight cells and these are called files.  The files on the chess board are called a, b, c, d, e, f, g h.The flat lines on a chessboard are called ranks.  There are total eight racks in chess board and they are marked as 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.  


. What is diagonal (DIAGONAL)?

 > The diagonal lines of a chess board are called diagonals.

 • How to name the different squares of the chess board 

> Each of the 64 squares of the chess board has a different name.  Each of these cells belongs to some file and some rank.  The names of the different cells are given by determining the file and rank names simultaneously.  For example cell 'al' belongs to file 'a' and 1st bank and the names of these two together become the cell name.

 • What is the function and role of King (KING) in chess?

 > Chess board has 2 kings one white and one black.  The king is very important in the game, because if the king is not defeated, the game cannot be won.  A king can run straight, diagonal and diagonal only one house.  If an opponent's pawn gets in the way of the king's move, the king can beat him.  In chess, the king never dies.  only Can be paid in installments.

. What is the function and role of the minister (QUEEN) in chess?

 > The minister is a very important piece on the chess board.  It is very valuable and powerful.  The minister may move as straight as the king, crosswise, but only as far as the rooms remain empty.  It can hit an opponent's pawn, but the minister cannot pass it if it is in the way of its own pawn's movement. 

 .  Write the function and role of ROOK.

 > The boat is the second power pole after the minister.  It can move straight and crosswise as many cells remain empty.  If there is an opposing boat in the way, the boat can beat it.  But if his own pole comes in the way, the boat cannot pass him.

. What is the role and function of BISHOP?

 > Each player has 2 white and black yards.  White yards will always travel through white rooms and black yards will always travel through black rooms.  They can never change the color of the house.  A yard square can move as many squares as possible according to its own square color and can kill an opponent's pawn if it is in the way of its movement.  But when he comes to his own pole, he cannot go beyond it.

. What are the features and moves of the horse (KNIGHT) in chess?

 The characteristic of the horse in chess is that it can jump.  Horse moves are like the English letter 'L', better known as 'two and a half houses' in chess.  Another characteristic of the horse is that if there is a pole in front of it, it can jump over it, and if there is an opposing pole in its path, it can beat it. 


 • What do PAWNS do?

 > Bode can run 1 house or 2 houses for the first time.  Since then 1 house goes straight.  You can't move if any of the opponent's or own poles are in front.  If you want to hit an opponent's ghuti, you have to hit 1 house at an angle.  Bode can never move backwards.  If at any point his run reaches the last rank, we replace him Can take a boat or horse or yard.  In that case, we have to put a knob in the place of Bord.

 • What is called (CHECK) in chess?  What are the rules for blocking?

  Light never kills a king.  When an opponent's pawns attack the king, if the king base is in vinci, our king must first be saved from the pawn.  How is this a holiday of its own?  (1) The King should be moved to a safe house.  (2) 1 Basic path must be blocked.  (3) The opponent's piece, which is paid to the king, must be beaten with one of his clubs or with the king.

 • Installments (CHECKMATE): How are Installments?

 > 'Kistimat e Dhara is intended to be played when there is no way to save the king from the kisti, as in 2(1) when it is not possible to take the king to a safe place.  (2) It is not possible to block the installment path by any other pole.  (3) It is not possible to hit an opponent's stake with one of your own stakes.  In this case "deals are made. If a king is dealt, the game ends and the player whose king is dealt is defeated."

• What is castling?

 Castling is a special move by kings, by which the king can protect himself.  During this move, the king and rook, the two clubs, switch places.  Only in this move does the king move two squares outside of his normal move, and the boat on the edge on which he moves is next to the king.

 • What are the rules for casting?

 The rules of castling are- (1) The king moves two squares to the right or to the left during this move.  (2) The boat on the side where the castling is being done comes and sits next to the king.  (3) The king or the direction in which the castling is taking place.  Boats in that direction have not been run before.  That is, castling cannot be done if the king's or castling's boat has already sailed.  Again, if one of the two boats has been moved, then casting can be done on the other side.  (4) Castling cannot be done while the king is in installments.  (5) Castling cannot be done if any of the king's movement squares are occupied by an opposing piece during castling.

 • What is EN PASSANT?  What are the rules of N pass?

 > En passa is a special rice of Bor.  With that move, a bode can beat an opponent's bode.  (1) In case of white bode, fifth bank and in case of black bode should be in fourth rank.  (2) If two houses come forward and sit on the side of the file opposite the file immediately adjacent to the one in which the file is, then the opposite file can be accidentally killed.  (3) In a move where the opponent's board is approaching two houses, we have to take the opportunity to N-pass.  That is, if N is not passed in that move, then RN cannot be passed.  


• What are the opening rules of chess?

 Before starting the game of chess we need to learn some rules, such as: (1) Two players shall shake hands before starting the game.  (2) The first move in chess is made by the player with the white pawn.  The next move will be made by the black player.  Similarly, the players on the white and black poles will make successive moves to advance the game.


 • What are the end rules of chess?

 > A chess game can end in three ways- (1) The white pawn loses the black king

He conceded defeat to those who played with the black logic of health and physical education.  White will win in both cases.  (2) Player dealt white's king or playing with white pawns who, he has defeated himself.  Black wins in both cases.  (3) If a player fails to win or Then the game will be a draw.  If the game is not decided, it will be a draw. 


 • What are the draw rules in chess?

 > The reasons why the game may be drawn are— (1) If both players have no stakes to deal with, then the game will be accepted as a draw.  (2) If the same arrangement of pawns occurs three times on the chessboard, the game shall be deemed a draw.  (3) If within 50 moves of White and Black there is no fight and no board moves are made, the game shall be deemed a draw.  (4) If a king, is drawn, the game shall be considered a draw.  (5) If two players agree to a draw during the game.  Then the game will be a draw.

 • Chalamat (STALEMATE) who is called?

 Stalemate is a situation where no move is possible for the white or black pieces, and in this situation the king will not be in the stake.

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