Gk questions answers (set-17)

 GK question answer multi language with Google translate.

1. Who is the father of genetics?

 A. Mendel

 B. Mendeleev

 C. Lamarck

 D. Beneden 

2. Who came up with mutation theory?

 A. Robert Hooke

 B. Mendel

 C. de Bhoos

 D. Lamarck 

3. Who is the discoverer of genetic code?

 A. Dr. S. Swaminathan

 B. Dr. Ronald Ross

 C. Dr. Khorana

 D. Dr. William Harvey 

4. What is the source of litmus?

 A. Algae

 B. fungi

 C. Frog umbrella

 D. Yeast 

5. Which of the following organs causes bronchitis?

 A. Throat

 B. Breathing tube

 C. Lungs

 D. Heart 

6. What is the name of memory loss-related disease?

 A. Amnesia

 B. Diabetes

 C. Anemia

 D. None of these 

7. What is the name of the largest part of the brain in the human body?

 A. Cerebrum

 B. Hypothemus

 C. Epicerebrum

 D. None of these 

8. What is the average blood pressure of the human body?

 A. Go-to mm hg

 B. 80-120 mm Hg

 C. 80-100 mm hg

 D. 100-160 mm Hg 

9. Which plant extracts are used in leather industry?

 A. Resin

 B. Tarukshi

 C. Tannin

 D. None of these 

10. How many days is the average life of hemoglobin?

 A. 120 days

 B. 180 days

 C. 100 days

 D. 90 days 

11. Where is the bile duct located?

 A. In the retina of the eye

 B. In the gallbladder

 C. Pancreas

 D. Liver 

12. Retinal retinal disease due to retinal cell dysfunction Is it?

 A. Rod cells

 B. Angle cells

 C. Both

 D. None of these 

13. What phase does man belong to?

 A. Mollusca

 B. cordata

 C. circulation

 D. Amphibia 

14. What is the name of virus that destroys bacteria?

 A. Bacteriocyte virus

 B. Bacteriophage

 C. Bacteriozoa

 D. None of these 

15. What is carrier or vector?

 A. That carries food

 B. through which the virus reaches the host cell

 C. which carry bacteria

 D. None of these 

16. Which of the following vitamins is not synthesized in the human body?

 A. A

 B. D



17. What is the average total blood volume of an adult male?

 A. 5 liters

 B. 8 liters

 C. 4 liters

 D. 10 liters 

18. Who first classified blood 'A', 'B', 'AB' and 'O'?

 A. Harvey

 B. Landsteiner

 C. Haeckel

 D. Simpson 

19. Where are red blood cells destroyed?

 A. Liver

 B. Spleen

 C. Liver and spleen

 D. bone marrow  

20. Glomerulus is found in which organ?

 A. Liver

 B. Kidneys

 C. Small

 D. Pancreas 

21. What are the animals between classes Annelida and Arthropoda?

 A. Movement

 B. Peripatos

 C. Paramoceum

 D. None of these 

22. Which mammals lay eggs?

 A. Goose eyes

 B. Ostrich

 C. whales

 D. None of these 

23. Cholesterol is a type of –

 A. Affective substances involved

 B. Unsaturated fats

 C. Steroids

 D. diglycerides 

24. Muscle fatigue is responsible for —

 A. Carbon-dioxide

 B. Creatinine

 C. Lactic acid

 D. Ethyl alcohol 

25. What is normal human blood?

 A. Acidic

 B. Alkaline

 C. Mitigated

 D. variable 

26. Where is urea produced in the human body?

 A. Liver

 B. Urinary bladder

 C. Kidneys

 D. Hemoglobin 

27. Antibodies produce –

 A. Bone marrow

 B. Plasma and lymph

 C. Liver

 D. Kidneys 

28. Which of the following is a viral disease?

 A. Cancer

 B. Leukemia

 C. Typhoid

 D. Yellow fever 

29. Which is not a protozoa?

 A. Hydra

 B. Euglina

 C. Amoeba

 D. Paramecium 

30. What is bacteriophage?

 A. A virus

 B. Bacteria grown on artificial medium

 C. Pathogenic fungi

 D. Phagocytic protozoa 

31. Quicklime is -

 A. Calcium oxide

 B. Calcium hydroxide

 C. Calcium carbonate

 D. None of these 

32. Nature of Lalars is - -

 A. Acidic

 B. neutral

 C. Alkaline

 D. Bisexual 

33. What is the PH value of human blood?

 A. 7

 B. 7.5

 C. 9

 D. 12 

34. What is the pigment of red blood cells?

 A. Basophils

 B. Chromophyll

 C. Hemoglobin

 D. Monocytes 

35. What helps in the purification of various components of blood juice?

 A. Glomerulus

 B. Kidneys

 C. Lungs

 D. membrane 

36. Vision of desert animals-

 A. More during the day

 B. More at night

 C. is always the same

 D. cannot be said to be correct 

37. What do chromosomes carry?

 A. Blood carries oxygen

 B. carries the genetic code

 C. Parts of the human brain

 D. Carries a blood meal 

38. What causes small pox?

 A. Polio virus

 B. Herpes zoster virus

 C. Rubella virus

 D. Variwala virus 

39. What is “swine flu”?

 A. Viruses

 B. Bacteria

 C. Antibiotics

 D. protein 

40. What is the world's largest flower?

 A. Lotus

 B. Rafflesia

 C. Giant cactus

 D. None of these 

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